Full Stack Developer

Gregg Fine Developer Profile Pic

Hi! I'm Gregg. My passion is web development and all things coding. I specialize in JavaScript, React, Node, HTML5, and CSS3 and am constantly exploring new technologies. Please take a look at some of the projects I've worked on!

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Technical Skills



JavaScript HTML5 CSS3 Web Audio API

I built this game for my students to help them identify the unique sounds of the great Jazz guitarists. Created with vanilla JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5, and the Web Audio API. The layout is responsive for mobile devices as well.


React Node MongoDB Material-UI

I custom built this social sharing site for musicians to create user profiles and share their mixes for critique from their peers. The site is built with React for the view layer, Node/MongoDB for the backend, as well as for real-time bidrectional communication.


Searchable Music Library

JavaScript Node Express MongoDB React

My goal with this project was to create a searchable music library for my original music compositions. The full version consists of a custom CMS as well as Passport authentication. User has the ability to search via Genre, BPM, or Length and download the track once found.


Guitar Website

HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript BEM Gulp

For this guitarist website, I leveraged BEM methodology, Gulp, and PostCSS along with modular, object-oriented JavaScript to create highly-organized and maintainable CSS.


Rhythmic Challenge

React Redux Semantic-UI

I utilized Redux to manage state for this ear training game I developed for music students. This project got me up to speed with React Hooks which I really enjoy for their readability as well as code reusability aspects. One challenging aspect was synchronizing the audio with the UI.


Synth Explorer

Angular CSS3 JavaScript

Faced with a quick turnaround, I studied Angular's documentation to create this informational vintage synth site. The views are rendered dynamically from JSON data. I implemented a search field using some of Angular’s built-in directives to allow the user to find a particular synth. Each synth has a detail view when clicked on.


Intervallic Trainer

Web Audio API JavaScript jQuery SVG

I used the Web Audio API to create an intervallic ear training came for musicians. There are 4 sound sources to choose from as well as various possible starting pitches. “Easy” and “Hard” modes accommodate players of different skill levels.


Responsive WP Site

Wordpress PHP JavaScript Bootstrap CSS3

I put this site together for a coding interview project. I was provided with a mockup in the form of a Photoshop document and various image/video assets. I worked within the Wordpress template hierarchy and wrote my own custom PHP and CSS.

About Me

My Story

A few years back, amidst a turbulently changing music industry, I was in search of a new career path. As a former music producer/audio engineer for some of the world’s leading brands, I had achieved much success. But now I was looking for something new - something that energized me as much as music had.

In a moment of serendipity, I had a random conversation with a coding bootcamp graduate at a game audio conference. That conversation ignited the spark that led me to the world of coding. I quickly got hold of that bootcamp’s syllabus and set out on a path of intense self-study using their curriculum as a guide.

It took a bit longer than I’d anticipated, but the countless hours of studying, experimenting and building projects eventually paid off. I successfully made the career transition and was hired as a web developer at a company in NYC working on features for 32 brand websites. The tech stack included MongoDB, Express, Angular, and NodeJS.

My Values

Looking back on my years in commercial music production, one of the most important skills I acquired is the ability to take feedback from clients, put my ego aside, and make the revisions necessary to produce the best work possible. Also, having run my own business, I understand the importance of presenting top-notch work to clients. The result? I take ownership of my work, pay careful attention to detail and push through technical challenges until I find a solution.

More About Me